Crash Course Irish Mythology
Irish Mythology
Irish mythology is divided into four “Cycles”. Each cycle is set in a different time period and follows a different set of characters.
The cycles are as follows:
1. The Mythological Cycle/The Cycle of Gods
2. The Ulster Cycle/The Red Branch Cycle
3. The Fenian Cycle/The Ossianic Cycle
4. The Historical Cycle/The Cycle of Kings
1. The Mythological Cycle/The Cycle of Gods:
This cycle deals with the activities of the Irish gods and the origins of the Irish people.
Irish mythology does not begin with a creation myth, it begins instead with a series of invasions by different people groups.
This is due to the fact that Irish mythology was first recorded by Christian monks.
In reality, Irish mythology probably did possess a creation myth, which was subsequently deleted and replaced by the Christian creation myth.
The “invaders” were as follows:
1. Cessair and her people
2. Partholon and his people
3. Nemed and his people
4. The Fir Bolg
5. The Tuatha De Danann
6. The Milesians
There is also a seventh group, known as the Fomorians, active in this cycle as well. They are seen as a race of evil gods and monsters.
The fifth group of invaders, the “Tuatha De Danann” (“The Tribes/People of the Goddess Danu”), are actually the Irish pantheon of gods, here craftily hidden as just another in a series of invaders.
The sixth group of invaders, the “Milesians” (“Sons of Míl”), are said to be the ancestors of the modern Irish people.
The Milesians go to war with the Tuatha De Danann and eventually defeat them.
The Tuatha De agree to surrender half of Ireland to them. The Milesian poet, Amergin, in his infinite wisdom, agrees to this, stating that the Milesians will take the top half and the Tuatha De Danann can have the bottom half.
The Tuatha De Danann then retreat underground through the “sidhe mounds” (“Ancient monuments like Newgrange, Knowth and Dowth”) to the “Otherworld”.
They are known from then on as the Aos Sí (“The People of the mounds”. Pronounced “ees shee”).
The majority of this cycle is told in the “Lebor Gabála Érenn” (“The Book of the Taking of Ireland”), also known as “The Book of Invasions” (11th century).
Two of the most important stories in this cycle are “Cet-Chath Maige Tuired” (“The First battle of Mag Tuired”), which tells of the battle fought between the Tuatha De Danann and the Fir Blog for the sovereignty of Ireland, and “Dédnach Maige Tuired” (“The Last battle of Mag Tuired”), fought between the Tuatha De Danann and the Fomorians.
2. The Ulster Cycle/The Red Branch Cycle:
The Ulster Cycle is mainly concerned with the centuries long feud between the provinces of Ulster and Connacht.
The central hero of this cycle is the demi-god “Cu Chulainn” (Culainn’s Hound), and the stories are traditionally believed to be set during the first century A.D.
Ulster is lead by King Conchobar Mac Nessa and it’s capital is a large Hillfort known as “Emain Macha” (“Macha’s Brooch”).
Connacht is lead by Queen Medb (pronouced “mayv” like “May eve”) and it’s capital is a large ringfort known as “Cruachan”.
It is believed that Queen Medb was originally a sovereignty goddess, but this was omitted by the Christian scribes recording the stories.
The central story in this Cycle is the “Tain Bo Cuailnge” (“Cattle-raid of Cuailnge”), which is considered to be Ireland’s national epic.
In this story the seventeen year old demi-god Cu Chulainn is forced to defend Ulster single handly from an invasion by the other four provinces. This is due to the fact that the goddess Macha has placed a curse on the Ulstermen, causing them to be incapacitated for most of the narrative. Cu Chulainn does not fall prey to this curse, because he is technically from the “Otherworld”.
He holds back the fifty-thousand strong army by intercepting them at a ford in a river, and invoking the sacred right of single combat.
The army is then forced to send combatants at him one by one. I will not ruin it by saying more, but I will say this, Cu Chulainn is not the only demi-god in Ireland.
3. The Fenian Cycle/The Ossianic Cycle:
The Fenian Cycle is mainly concerned with Fionn Mac Cumhail” (pronounced “Mac Cool”) and his band of Fianna Warriors.
These Fianna bands generally lived in the wild for most of the year. They took up mercenary work for Kings during the winter months in return for accommodation.
Fionn has a son named Oísin (“Little deer”. Pronouced “Ush-een”. Also my son’s name) who grows up to become Ireland’s greatest poet. The Fenian Cycle is traditionally said to have been written by Oísin, and this is why it is also called “The Ossianic Cycle”.
The other central character of this cycle is Fionn’s employer, High-King Cormac Mac Art.
Cormac Mac Art is known as “Ireland’s greatest High-King” in the mythology. He was said to have been a “Brehon” (“Judge”) and a great scholar of the Brehon laws.
Fionn Mac Cumhail was the most popular hero of the Irish medieval period. Because of this, we have hundreds of short stories about Fionn.
This had a lot to do with the fact that the character of Cu Chulainn was linked to only one province, Ulster, while Fionn was in some ways without a home, so he could show up anywhere for any reason.
4. The Historical Cycle/The Cycle of Kings:
While this Cycle is called the “Historical Cycle”, it is actually semi-historical.
Basically, this cycle claims to record the lives of all the High-Kings of Ireland. It begins with entirely fictional Kings and ends with completely historical kings.
Because this cycle claims to cover all of the High-Kings, the beginning of this cycle over-laps with the others.
For example, one of most important High-Kings “Conn Cétchathach” (“Of the Hundred Battles/The Hundred Fighter”) is actually High-King Cormac Mac Art’s grandfather.
The reason Conn Cethcatach is so important, is because he was believed to be the ancestor of the most powerful Irish medieval tribe, the “Uí Neill” (“Grandsons/Descendants of Niall”. Modern: “O’Neill”).
He was also believed to have been the ancestor of the “Connachta” (“The Descendants of Conn”), with his name also being the source for the name of the province of Connacht.
Although, this is up for debate. This is somewhat like the chicken and the egg, as historians can not determine which came first, the province of Connacht or Conn Himself. Basically, does the the province of Connacht get it’s name from Conn, or is Conn a fictional character who gets his name from the province.
For the same reasons as stated above, High-King Nial “Noígiallach” (“of the Nine Hostages”) is also a very important king. He is the ancester the name “Uí Neill” is referring to.
The reason he is referred to as “Of the Nine Hostages” is also up for debate, but it is believed that he may have formed the medieval province of “Airgíalla” as a subject kingdom of the Uí Neill. He installed nine kings there, who gave hostages to Niall as a show of their subservience, so the epitaph, “Noígiallach”.
The land for this kingdom was taken from the Ulaid (Ulster in the mythology).
It is also traditionally believed that Niall led many raiding parties to Britain and captured many hostages.
One of these hostages who was taken and sold into slavery in Ireland was a sixteen year old who would go on to become St. Patrick.
The most important, entirely historical High-King of Ireland, was Brian Boru.
Brian was born in the early tenth century, during Ireland’s Viking Age” (800-1100A.D).
Brian began with control of a small territory known as “Tuad Mumhain” (“North Munster”) that had borders synonymous with the modern borders of Co. Clare.
He managed to defeat Ireland’s two greatest dynasties, the Uí Neill and the Eognachta in his quest to become High-King. He also managed to submit the Vikings in Ireland and was known as the Over-King of the Vikings in Ireland.
Brian’s story is recorded in the Annals and in the epic “Cogad Gáedel re Gallaib” (“The War of the Irish with the Foreigners (Vikings)”. Written c. 1100AD).
Sources of Irish Mythology:
“The Book of Leinster”, c. 1160 A.D
“The Book of the Dun Cow”, c. 1106 A.D
“The Annals of the Four Masters”, c. 1636 A.D
“The History of Ireland” c.1634 A.D
“The Yellow Book of Lecan”, c. 1400 A.D
Recommended book from each Cycle:
Mythological Cycle: “The Book of Invasions”
Ulster Cycle: “The Tain Bo Cuailge”
Fenian Cycle: “Acallam na Senórach”
Cycle of Kings: “Cogad Gáedel re Gallaib”